Crash Course for Nonfiction Authors
Part 1: A High-Level Overview of Your Publishing Options
This “Crash Course” is a 6-part series. Jump to:
Part 1: A High-Level Overview of Your Publishing Options
Part 2: Author Platform Tune-Ups
Part 3: All About Editing
Part 4: Nail Your Cover Design
Part 5: Interior Layout for Print & e-Books
Part 6: Strategic Independent Publishing
No time now? Get this in your inbox as a free 6-part email series.
Congratulations on your book!
Or your forthcoming book. Or your idea for a book.
I love nonfiction books – and their authors – because I believe these books have the power to change the world.
I’ve put together this “crash course” for nonfiction authors to help you answer an essential question: What’s next?
Many of the authors I work with come to me when they have a finished manuscript. They’ve worked with an editor. They’ve reworked and revised their text. They’ve got all their i’s dotted and t’s crossed.
And they want to know: How do I turn this Word doc into a book in my readers’ hands?
This is Part 1: A High-Level Overview of Your Publishing Options. I’ll share an overview of some publishing options: traditional publishing, hybrid publishing, and independent publishing.
Traditional publishing
Traditional publishing used to be the only way to publish a book, so it’s what many people think of as “publishing.” Generally, an author needs an agent to represent them, although some publishers (generally smaller, independent presses) do take un-agented submissions. The agent works to secure a deal from a publisher, which may include an advance. The author gets royalties on sales of the book, and the author does not pay the publisher any fees.
Because I don’t work with authors on securing traditional publishing deals, I’ll suggest a few resources that may be helpful if you’re considering going this route:
Jane Friedman: Jane has a wealth of resources on many topics, including some on traditional publishing here and here. Keep an eye on her schedule of classes, too, as she has many good ones, including some on finding agents and pursuing a traditional publishing deal.
Allison Gilbert: Allison has a boutique literary consultancy called Pub Day focused on, among other things, helping authors find an agent and secure a traditional publishing deal. She’s a friend and colleague of mine, so if you talk to her, tell her I sent you.
Joelle Hann: Joelle — a.k.a. Brooklyn Book Doctor — helps authors craft top-tier nonfiction book proposals and pitch them to agents and editors. Be sure to check out her Book Proposal Academy (and let her know I sent you, too!).
While I don’t work with authors on securing traditional publishing deals, I do work with all nonfiction authors on marketing, websites, and platform development, no matter how you choose to publish.
Hybrid publishing
Hybrid publishing is supposed to be the best of both worlds: high quality, well-edited books, published according to industry standards – but with the author paying for the editing, cover design, printing, and other work needed to bring the book to market. In exchange for the author fronting the cost (and risk), they get a much higher share of royalties than they would with a traditional publisher.
The best hybrid publishers also have access to what is called “trade distribution,” which is nearly impossible to secure on your own. This means they actively sell your book into brick-and-mortar stores, just like a traditional publisher would – a major benefit of choosing a top-tier hybrid.
Unfortunately, the quality of hybrid publishers varies dramatically. Some are known for being objectively bad, with significant complaints and even lawsuits against them. Some do a decent job – but too many, in my opinion, don’t do any better than a smart self-publisher can do themselves.
I’ve had a podcast for years, so I’ve received a lot of pitches from authors to be on my show. Sadly, it’s easy to spot the books that come from lower-end hybrids. There’s something about their editing, cover, Amazon page, etc – you’d never look at them and think, “I wonder if Penguin Random House published that?”
If you’re considering hybrid publishing, be sure to research them. Google them to look for complaints, and study the books they’ve published in recent years. Put together a list of questions to ask if you meet with them. My list of 22 Questions to Ask a Hybrid Publisher was developed based on my knowledge of the industry and probably has at least a few questions not yet on your list.
Independent publishing
I’ll admit: I have a bias toward independent publishing. It’s how I published both of my books.
It’s very possible to publish independently and do it well – so well that your book is nearly indistinguishable from a traditionally published book.
You may have noticed that I’m not using the term “self-publishing” here. That’s intentional, and it’s for two reasons:
There’s nothing “self” about it. The best authors who publish independently hire a team of experts, including editors, cover designers, interior layout people, and more, to ensure their book is published professionally.
Doesn’t “indie author” sound so much cooler than “self-published author?” I mean, indie filmmakers and indie musicians are cool, right? So are indie authors!
If indie (“self”) publishing sounds overwhelming, don’t worry. I’ve got you. We’ll dive into all this, and more, in the next parts of this “crash course” for nonfiction authors. (Or reach out: I can guide you through the entire process.)
Next Steps
DOWNLOAD: 22 Questions to Ask a Hybrid Publisher
Up next we have Part 2: Author Platform Tune-Ups. You may have heard that “author platform” is critical. Read on for more.
Up Next:
No time now? Get this in your inbox as a free 6-part email series.
This “Crash Course” is a 6-part series. Jump to:
Part 1: A High-Level Overview of Your Publishing Options
Part 2: Author Platform Tune-Ups
Part 3: All About Editing
Part 4: Nail Your Cover Design
Part 5: Interior Layout for Print & e-Books
Part 6: Strategic Independent Publishing