Jenny’s Blog for Nonfiction Authors
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My Favorite Podcasts for Nonfiction and Memoir Authors
As a nonfiction author, there’s a ton you can learn by listening to podcasts. Plus, you should get familiar with the medium, if you’re not already, so you can pitch yourself as a guest on relevant podcasts once your book comes out.
Here are a few of my favorite podcasts for nonfiction and memoir authors.
Five Christmases Ago, I Bought Myself a Copy of “The Chicago Manual of Style”
On December 23 five years ago, I decided that what I really needed for the coming year was my very own copy of the two-and-a-half-inches-thick book, The Chicago Manual of Style. Amazon had it in my hands in time for it to be wrapped and under the tree on Christmas morning.
Author Spotlight: Brian Klausner
Today I’m happy to feature this interview with Brian Klausner, MD, author of In the Gaps: Better Understanding the Expensive Human Suffering of Chronic Homelessness. Working with Brian to help him publish his book earlier this month was a pleasure, and I look forward to his book and his work making an impact in the world.
Giveaway: Becky Robinson’s book “Reach”
If you’re anything like me, you probably think about how to reach more people with your work.
How to get your message and your insights to your ideal readers.
How to help the right people find your book.
Maybe you even think about this a lot. (Am I the only one who might be a tad bit obsessed with this question?)
If this sounds like you, you’ll want to read Reach: Create the Biggest Possible Audience for your Message, Book, or Cause, by Becky Robinson.
Can My Journalist Friend or English Teacher Neighbor Edit My Book?
Yes, your neighbor/niece/English teacher/journalist friend could edit your book. You’d probably get some good feedback; they might even be a great “beta reader.” But it would be sort of like taking your Porsche to a lawn mower mechanic.